Helping Owners of Law Firms Increase Profits And Work Fewer Hours

9 proven steps is all you need to build a better practice & enjoy a better life. Escape the feeling of overwhelm & get back control of your practice to enjoy life as a true business owner.


Reduction in Working Hours

in 6 Months


Increase in Revenue

in 2 Years


Increase in Profit

in 3 Years

Increase Profit

& Work Fewer Hours

in Your Law Firm

Get The Predictable Profit Roadmap Now

9 Proven Steps To Turn Your Practice From A Time Consuming, Cash Eating Monster Into A Money Making Machine That Runs Itself

Feel Trapped By Your practice?


thinking about how to get all your work done on time:

- your fee-earning work,

- your growing the "business" work,

- and making enough revenue and profit


when your staff don't think for themselves or make daft mistakes


by the daily grind of never being able to switch off


Build A Better Law Practice

When you work with John as your Licensed Business Coach you get a proven system that gives you



The fastest path to making more money that you can use to grow your law firm & live a more fun and fulfilled life.

Marketing That


Win more high paying clients using a proven marketing system.

A Team That


Plug in the systems that will enable your team to innovate and grow the firm on your behalf.



Find simple changes that will result in more revenue without any extra work or expense.

More Free


Master a specific system that will enable you to get far more done in less time every single day.



Discover how to delegate roles and responsibilities so that the firm runs smoothly without you.


Knowing What To Focus On Is Key

Clarify Vision

If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there or be able to communicate to your team so they can help you. Getting clarity on where you are going means you can then efficiently put the right things in place to have the amazing business & lifestyle you deserve.

Control Velocity

If you don’t have control you’ll spend your time crashing from one cash flow disaster or operational disaster to another, trapped in a business you can never escape. Having the right systems in place means you can deliver consistently and gain a predictable income.

Create Value

Without clear financials & a team you trust to grow (not just maintain) the business without you the business will stagnate. You’ll never be able to sell it for a handsome profit or if you prefer you can stay and work on it because it’s your choice, not because you have to!

If you are missing just one of these pillars you are not building a sustainable business. Learn more in our workshop


How Do You Rapidly Increase Your Profit?

Download Roadmap + Book A Call

Download the Roadmap & then book a call in with myself to get all your questions answered.

Implement The Proven PROFIT System

Regain control of your law practice & drive the growth by focusing on the bottlenecks and quick wins.

Build A Better law practice & Life You Love

Transform your law practice into a highly profitable business you can grow, sell or step back from with less day to day involvement.


The PROFIT System Gets You Results Because...

The process is PROVEN

Everything in the PROFIT System has been used to grow thousands of businesses around the world & combined with John's experience, and track record, you can achieve things you never thought possible .

The framework is SIMPLE

With the guidance of John, your coach, the PROFIT System makes it easy to get amazing results in your law practice.

The brand is TRUSTED

When people see the PROFIT System or talk to the certified coaches, they know the process will work.

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm John

I have 10 years experience as a multi-award winning business coach, and 30+ years as a sports, military, corporate trainer and coach. During that time I have consistently delivered world-class results for over 100 clients including: taking a law firm from minimal profit to over £1M net profit in 3 years, up to 400% growth within 12-18 months, and 50% reduction in working hours in 6 months.

As an accredited ProfitCoach, I specialise in helping owners find the hidden profits and untapped opportunities in their organisations, put the best systems and processes in place to ensure everything runs smoothly, and create a long-term strategy that builds a robust business and secure future.

To find out more, watch the workshop and if you'd like to see how to apply the strategies to your practice book a roadmap call. I'll be happy to answer all your questions.


We Believe Business Should Be Fun

I know you're the kind of owners of law firms who wants to enjoy running a highly profitable practice that is easy to run.

But the problem is, no matter how hard you work or

successful you are, business is never smooth. Staff can't

seem to make a decision without your help, clients demand

your time, suppliers are desperate to speak to you and

every single problem seems to land on your lap.

Leading you to feel like the biggest bottleneck in the business. Always working. Or worrying about work.

And feeling highly frustrated because you can't get on top of your to-do list, let alone do the stuff that will grow the business or bring it under control.

We believe this is wrong...

Because it's this constant pressure and worry that leads to broken relationships, children growing up missing their parents and good friendships fizzling out. Worst of all, it risks the partners losing everything through burnout and ill health.

And what's the point of spending your life building a successful business if you can't enjoy the results with your loved ones?

That is why my mission is to ensure owners of law firms have the tools they need to transform their practices into smooth-running and highly profitable organisations that can work without them, using the PROFIT System.

Here's how it works

The first step is to watch the workshop and then book in a call with John. On the call John will ask a few questions about your situation and the problems you are experiencing.

After that you can ask any questions you have about how the PROFIT System can help your practice. At the end of the call, if you both feel you are a good fit, John can share how you could work together to implement the PROFIT System that gets you the practice you want.

So, click the button on this page to watch the workshop and then book a call to end the cycle of being trapped in a practice that takes all your time and energy.

Because we don’t want you looking back in a few years, thinking that was a waste.

Watch the workshop and book a call with John right now so we can change things for the better.

Speak soon...


The 9 Step Predictable Profit Roadmap

I Will Show You Step-By-Step EXACTLY How You Can Drive More Revenue & Profit, & Work Less Hours, In Your Business...FAST!


Still Have A Question?

How do I know if coaching is right for me?

Coaching isn't for everyone. People who have a closed mind to trying new things or always know-best, no matter the situation do not make good candidates for coaching. In order to get the best results, you need to have an open mind and actively be looking for better ways of doing things.

What does business coaching consist of?

We will meet up twice a month for ninety minutes over a zoom call (or in person). The exact agenda for each session will depend on your objectives. However, we always look at what’s happening in your business so that we can deal with, discard or delegate any urgent problems that are causing you stress or upsetting your team. Then the rest of the session will focus on the important strategies needed to stabilise and grow your business.

Will you tell me what to do in my business?

No, business coaching is not about bossing you about or telling you what to do. A good coach is there to help you make the difficult decisions that keep you awake at night, find the short-term opportunities that will bring in the cash and pick the right long-term strategies that will build your business. You will always be in control of the direction of your business and what you or your team need to do.

How fast will I get a return?

Whilst no guarantee can be made about your specific business, most people get a good return on their investment within the first couple of months - both financially and emotionally.

Use a proven 9 Step system to turn overwhelm & overwork into a business that is a money making machine that runs itself.


07862 133986

Equity House, Blackbrook Park Avenue, Taunton Somerset TA1 2PX

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